Top 1000 Brokerages

The top 1000 residential real estate brokerages as listed by the 2018 Swanepoel Mega 1000. Data is sorted by sales volume and includes transaction sides and agent count.

Index of 1000 Brokerages

An alphabetical index of the top 1000 residential real estate brokerages as listed by the 2018 Swanepoel Mega 1000.

Top 20 Holding Companies and Other Groups

The top 20 residential real estate holding companies as listed in the 2018 Swanepoel Mega 1000. Data is sorted by sales volume and includes transaction sides and agent count.

Top 20 Franchisor and Franchise Lists

The top 20 residential real estate franchisors as listed in the 2018 Swanepoel Mega 1000. Data is sorted by sales volume and includes transaction sides and agent count.