The Tug Of War Has Started… Again: The Evolving And Changing Real Estate Business Model

Two decades ago, the real estate industry waited with bated breath as terms like disintermediation and new business models were thrown around, and many thought brokerage companies and agents were going to disappear entirely as a result of changing technology, the Internet, and the collapse of commissions. While its been far from the doom and gloom anticipated, the industry is changing rapidly, and recently there have been increased calls to again look at reengineering the real estate brokerage model.

Gone In Sixty Seconds: Identity Theft And Data Security Runs Rampant

Prior to the Internet, the protection of data was taken for granted. With the move to a digitized world, security breaches in all industries, including real estate, are a given and identity theft has become one of the fastestgrowing crimes in the world. While government agencies and corporates are coming up with measures to combat these crimes, its up to individuals to safeguard their personal information.